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TO-4 Fluid - Transmission and Drive Train

Heavy duty off-highway

TO-4 Fluids are specifically formulated SAE 10, SAE 30 and 50 oils designed to meet Caterpillar’s latest Transmission and Drive Train Lubricant specifications. TO-4 supersedes and replaces Caterpillar TO-2 requirements. TO-4 provides improved clutch life when compared to the previous TO-2 Fluid, along with improved control of gear wear in SAE 30 for transmissions, gear boxes and SAE 50 for final drive trains. TO-4 has outstanding hydraulic oil stability and allows protection against high-pressure pump wear.

The recommended OEM drain interval and viscosity grade should always be followed for the specific machines oil compartments.

This product cannot be used as a THF/Wet brake oil in agriculture equipment. Ag-Master tractor hydraulic fluid is designed for this application.

Features & benefits

  • Improved clutch life: Up to 45% over TO-2 fluids. Balanced static/dynamic friction provides clutch durability and maximum power transfer throughout the service interval giving greater equipment productivity.
  • Wear protection: Outstanding shear stability, viscosity retention and increased film strength provides reduced wear on gears, bearings and clutches to give longer transmission life and less down time.
  • High temperature protection: Provides excellent thermal, oxidation, sludge, corrosion, and deposit protection for increased transmission temperatures, severe service and extended oil life.
  • Low temperature fluidity: Superior cold temperature flow characteristics ensures ease of pumping, reduced wear and good shifting capabilities, even at extremely low temperatures.

Excellent performance

  • Heavy duty construction equipment
  • Construction equipment dealers
  • Construction equipment repair shops
  • Road building, excavating, mining, and quarrying operations

Typical uses

  • Construction
  • Excavating
  • Mining
  • Typical specifications

    SAE viscosity grade SAE 10W SAE 30 SAE 50
    API gravity lbs/gal 29.4/7.32 27.8/7.40 27.1/7.43
    Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt 39.7 96.4 212
    Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt 6.4 11.5 18.4
    Viscosity index 111 107 96
    Pour point, °F (°C) -38 (-39) -22 (-30) -17 (-27)
    Flash point, COC, °F 410 450 460

  • Recommended for

    TO-4 fluid meets or exceeds performance requirements and can be used in applications where manufacturers recommend the use of TO-4/C-4 fluids:


    TO-4*, TDTO™ 2005 Version (10W, 30, 50)


    C-4 (10W, 30)


    KES 07.868.1 (10W, 30, 50)


    Power Shift TE-ML 07F(30),03C (10W, 30)

    Spicer Clark-Hurth

    Power Shift (10W, 30)


    Power shift (10W, 30)

    Euclid, Terex, Dresser

    (10W, 30, 50)

    Eaton/Fuller/Tremec/ TTC/Dana/Spicer

    manual transmissions (30, 50)


    M-2950S/35VQ25 Hyd (10W)


    Type F construction applications (10W)

    *Cat introduced TO-4 in 1991 making TO-2 obsolete

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