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Synthetic blend gasoline engine oil – 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30 

Turbo-Lube is designed to provide maximum protection in today’s higher performing gasoline engines. Turbo-Lube contains a balanced additive package and will provide enhanced fuel economy, excellent low temperature pumpability and control high temperature deposit formation and harmful combustion by-products.

Turbo-Lube is also formulated to retain performance benefits throughout the OEM recommended oil change interval “All viscosities” of Turbo-Lube qualify for the API SN Plus. In addition, Turbo-Lube is formulated with a synthetic blend of high quality, high viscosity index base oils. 

Features & benefits

  • Reserve performance: Technology that pushes performance past the API SP requirements for maximum protection
  • Resource conserving: Exceeds the current ILSAC GF-6A specifications for improved fuel economy, catalysts protection and emission system durability
  • Oxidation control: Provides outstanding control of oxidation, volatility, thermal and viscosity breakdown. This reduces oil consumption, sludge, and varnish for a cleaner engine
  • Anti-wear protection: Contains the maximum level of zinc dialkyl dithio phosphate (ZDDP) to reduce wear and protect highly loaded engine parts for extended engine life
  • Oil pumpability: A formulation that pumps oil faster than required to various engine parts during cold start-ups, reducing long-term wear
  • Flex-fuel vehicle compatible: Meets lubricant requirements when using ethanol containing gasoline up to E-85
  • Extended drain intervals: Meets the requirements outlined for the new electronic oil life sensor and the OEM owner manual recommendations

Always follow the manufacturers recommendation for viscosity grade and service classification.

Excellent performance

  • New and older cars, trucks with naturally aspirated or turbo-charged engines
  • Gasoline/electric hybrids engines
  • Propane fueled engines
  • Stationary and off-highway engines

Typical uses

  • Owners/operators of gasoline engines in passenger cars, trucks, agricultural, construction, commercial and stationary equipment
  • Typical specifications

    SAE viscosity grade SW-20 5W-30 10W-30
    API service SP SP SP
    API gravity lbs/gal 32.5/7.18 33.2/7.15 32.4/7.19
    Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt 51 57 67
    Viscosity @ 100°C 8.8 10.5 10.6
    Viscosity index 152 176 147
    CCS viscosity, cP @ °C 5,700 @ -30 5,600 @ -30 5,900 @ -25
    MRV-TP1 viscosity, P @ °C 21,500 @ -35 2,500 @ -35 20,000 @ -25
    Pour point, °F (°C) /-45(-49) /-42(-44) /-39(-38)

  • Recommended for

    • API Service Categories: SP, SN Plus, SN, SM, SL, SJ
    • ILSAC GF-6,5,4,3
    • API Resources and Energy Conserving
    • Meets car manufacturers warranty requirements for service fill
    • Ford WSS M2C930/945- A(5W-20), M2C929/946-A (5W-30), GM 6094M, and Chrysler MS-6395S along with Toyota and Honda for service fill
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