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Chain Bar Oil

Multi-purpose chain lubricant

Chain Bar Oil is formulated to extend equipment life with its unique “multi-grade” viscosity, which is optimum for cold weather start-up as well as protection during “hot” operation. Chain Bar Oil resists rust, corrosion and resinous buildup, while it penetrates, lubricates, and improves chain life. It resists fling off and oil loss better than summer grade oils, making it a truly year-round product.

Features & benefits

  • Extra tackiness: High treat levels of tackiness additive lead to better retention of oil on the chain bar and drive sprockets
  • Wear prevention: Effective anti-wear agents reduce wear in the critical areas and optimize the life of the saw and its chain
  • Cleaning agents: Special additives reduce the pitch buildup on the chain and drive sprocket, thereby reducing maintenance and down time
  • Typical specifications

    SAE viscosity grade SAE J-300 10W-30
    API gravity ASTM D-287 24.5
    Viscosity @ 40°C ASTM D-445 80 cSt
    Viscosity @ 100°C ASTM D-445 11.2 cSt
    Viscosity index ASTM D-2270 129
    Pour point ASTM D-97 -21°F
    Flash point, COC ASTM D-92 395°F
    Fire point, COC ASTM D-92 440°F
    Color ASTM D-1500 2.0

  • Recommended for

    Chain Bar Oil is recommended for use in all brands of chain saws – including today’s high performance and industrial saws, as well as older models.

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